Inclusion & ELL

Inclusion and Learning Support Services

Learning Support plays a vital role in promoting inclusion at RAG and ensuring a tailored education for each student’s unique needs. Our Learning Support Services employs various strategies, including collaboration, co-teaching, push-in, and pull-out lessons, to assist students with diverse learning needs. LSS teachers collaborate with classroom teachers to customize programs, ensuring students receive the necessary accommodations and modifications. They offer targeted intervention programs as needed and facilitate referrals to professionals when necessary. LSS teachers also partner with specialists to arrange therapy and specialized programs from community professionals.

Our LSS team consists of specialists who share the common goals of providing targeted student support, working with families on individualized learning plans, and collaborating with colleagues to support all learners effectively. This is achieved using assessment data, cooperation with external service providers, and discussions with leadership, admissions, counselling, and English Language Learning colleagues.

Levels of Assistance

Our collaborative approach allows us to deliver comprehensive support for all learners, organized around tiered levels of assistance. Tiers are not placements or designations; they indicate the supports on offer and flexible and adjust in a student’s learning journey.

Tier 1 – Universal Instruction

All learners receive universally designed instructions. Students are provided with choices to personalize their learning journey. This is the instruction that meets the needs of most students.

Tier 2 – Targeted Instruction

Tier 2 provides a more intensive, targeted, and supplemental support in addition to Tier 1 support. Students work in small groups or one-to-one if required using the evidence-based intervention materials built into the core curriculum. Tier 2 is designed to support students with mild to moderate learning difficulties

English Language Learning (ELL)

Our English Language Learning (ELL) programmes are designed to ensure equitable access and opportunities for English learners. The ELL teachers engage in regular conferences and collaborations with teachers to address students’ needs and develop strategies for meeting expectations.

English language learners throughout the Primary School

Our ELL teacher is a specialist dedicated to providing targeted support for English language learners throughout the Primary School. In the Primary School, the ELL teacher seamlessly integrates into the classroom to support English acquisition within the regular learning environment. They also offer targeted interventions and perform regular diagnostic testing using the Cambridge English Scale (Below A1, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 & C2). Additionally, our Primary School ELL teachers actively participate in collaborative planning sessions within grade level teaching teams to better incorporate appropriate content into instruction and assessment.

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